Reflection/ Daily Journal

Reflection- Letter 16-17

In the letter, Mr._  has been down do to visiting Shug Avery who was in town but did not really  end so well. However, Celie only had questions concerning only Shug Avery. This shows that the relationship between Celie and Mr._  is not so caring nor romantic in the slightest. Both did not care for each other like a normal husband and wife should it was like a daily routine for them. There relationship mostly resembled a master who is controlling there slave.

Journal Entry:

Today was a good day. I had a great time having fun with my friends we laughed and joked around but still did our work. We enjoyed reading a book in Mr. Rease class called The Color Purple it really taught us the depth of how a person who is abused can change there whole character and perspective about life. How a person can get so used to getting abused that it becomes a normal thing to them. Even though I knew much about the effects of being abuse not personally, although it is good to learn more concerning this topic since it not only has happened in past but still happens in today's society


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