
Reflection/ Daily Journal

In class we went over reviewing how essays are graded from 0-9 we talked about what are the things to look for in essay and what is not suppose to be there. I had made a 3 today which is average but through time I will make it a 5 or higher through the lesson I was taught today. Journal Today was a very average day it was not anything eventful that happened the day really just passed by quickly but the whole day was not so average after school cause me and Kamryn went on a date which was very fun. We laughed and joked she was good to be around. I love how she can be so talkative that she sometimes talk over me.

Weekend Post

Today, was a very nice and joyful day. Not only did I received the word of God but I did with my girlfriend it touched both of us. I watched her as she sung in the choir even though they was a little rusty on some of there notes but all in all it was fine. The rest of the day I spent with her we just joked and laughed as we do when we be together. Then we watched a good movie and that was it.
Reflection- In letter 29 Celie finds Harpo  one evening in her house, crying to himself. Harpo is upset that he cannot get Sofia  to obey him this seems to be the source of some of his recent anxieties. Celie tells Harpo that Sofia is a good, hardworking wife. But Harpo wants to be larger in order to boss Sofia around this is the implied reason for his eating so much.  Alice Walker  here emphasis  the difference between Sofia and Harpo from Celie and Mr._ marriage, comparing and contrasting the view of marriage, demonstrated by Mr._ beating his wife when she will not obey him, with the unconventional situation between Harpo and Sofia, which is quite the opposite.   Today, was okay my first block teacher was not here so I had time to unwind and have fun. The rest of my day continued as usual being very uneventful and boring like me. On the bright side I had my girlfriend who made it better with her humor cause we have the same humor so all we did was laugh.

Reflection/ Daily Journal

Reflection- Letter 16-17 In the letter, Mr._  has been down do to visiting Shug Avery who was in town but did not really  end so well. However, Celie only had questions concerning only Shug Avery. This shows that the relationship between Celie and Mr._  is not so caring nor romantic in the slightest. Both did not care for each other like a normal husband and wife should it was like a daily routine for them. There relationship mostly resembled a master who is controlling there slave. Journal Entry: Today was a good day. I had a great time having fun with my friends we laughed and joked around but still did our work. We enjoyed reading a book in Mr. Rease class called The Color Purple it really taught us the depth of how a person who is abused can change there whole character and perspective about life. How a person can get so used to getting abused that it becomes a normal thing to them. Even though I knew much about the effects of being abuse not personally, although it is go

Daily Journal

My weekend was great I had the chance to go to a birthday party. It was funny the music was on point everyone had a lot of energy. Me and my girlfriend had a great time together. There was also something that happened that was not so good someone had farted while they was on the dance floor and nobody knew who it was. It smells so bad that the person playing the music hesitated it was just a mess. Sunday I didn’t really do much I basically took a mental break day because I had a lot of stuff on my mind but as a whole my weekend was great

Color Purple/ Day 1

After reading lettters 1-7 I have realized how this world is corrupted with evil in humanity. Cecile was just a little girl who needed love and guidance, but ended up getting raped by the person who suppose to be her protector and provider. He took away something she could never get back which is her innocence’s. Cecile lost her mother and doesn’t have a father. This is painful to hear as reader because it touches me  because women in today’s society still having to deal with being rape and having to deal with that fear or if they do speak up they are shamed upon by others. Today was okay, it was really cold and irritating but my girlfriend Kamryn made it better and I sometimes look at her and I am amazed of how strong she is through the stuff she has deal with just because she is a woman

Vocabulary Quiz

1. Dearth- A lack of something 2. Fleeting-  lasting for a very short time 3. Incongruous-  not in harmony 4. Opulence- great wealth or luxuriousness 5. Enjambment-  The continuation of the sentence without pause 6. Premonition-  A strong feeling that something is going to happen 7. Lament- a passionate expression of grief or sorrow 8. Apostrophe- figure of speech represented by an exclamation 9. Obselete- no longer produced or used; out of date